This Sunday we will be hosting our Annual Meeting as part of the Worship Service and so invite you to try out Zoom.
Just click on the link and follow the instructions. Once you are in the “room” on your screen with us, Paul Hagerman will guide you and offer a brief tutorial on using Zoom. Please give it a try as we would love to “see” you and share community together:
Time: Apr 19, 2020 10:30 AM Winnipeg
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 685 472 4309
Password: 8015919
Documents you need for the Meeting and Worship
The worship Bulletin is above for download and also found below
Gathering Together in Song:
VU #383 Wa Wa Wa Emimimo
Wa wa wa Emimimo. (Emioloye)
Wa wa wa Alagbrara (Alagbarameta)
Wao wao wao (Emimimo)
Singing: VU #396 Jesus, Stand Among Us
- Jesus, stand among us
in your risen power;
let this time of worship
be a hallowed hour.
- Breathe the Holy Spirit
into every heart;
bid the fears and sorrows
from each soul depart.
- Lead our hearts to wisdom
till our doubting cease,
and to all assembled
speak your word of peace.
Welcome and Community News
Song: VU #183 We Meet You, O Christ (vs. 1,2 and 4)
- We meet you, O Christ, in many a guise;
your image we see in simple and wise.
You live in a palace, exist in a shack.
We see you, the gardener, a tree on your back.
- In millions alive, away and abroad;
involved in our life you live down the road.
Imprisoned in systems you long to be free.
We see you, O Jesus, still bearing your tree.
- You choose to be made at one with the earth;
The dark of the grave prepares for your birth.
Your death is your rising, creative your word:
The tree springs to life and our hope is restored.
Scripture: John 20: 19-23
Knox 2019 Photo Montage
Call to Order Knox Annual Meeting – Lori Stewart (Minutes: Joyce Allen)
Motion: Right to Vote
Report: Annual General Meeting Minutes, April 7, 2019 – read out
Business Arising From the Minutes
Song: Alleluia Bandai Hosanna
Hallelujah bhand-hai hoshana, hoshana
ba-ru-li kam-mar bha-cha-na, bha-cha-na 2X
Ma_ ti-mi ha-mi sa-bai u-fre-ra
jod-le nach-au na na-chau-na 2X
Hallelujah bhand-hai hoshana, hoshana
ba-ru-li kam-mar bha-cha-na, bha-cha-na.
Hallelujah, singing, hosanna, hosanna
singing and dancing, giving praise to our God 2X
Everybody, everybody
dance and sing praises to our God, to our God 2X
Hallelujah, singing, hosanna, hosanna
singing and dancing, giving praise to our God
Passing of Peace
Scripture: John 20: 24-29
Report: Financial Report and 2020 Budget
Motions / Discussion:
- i) To accept the 2019 Financial Statements for Knox United Church as presented in financial compilation by the accounting firm of Craig & Ross.
- ii) To accept the Knox United Church 2019 Budget as presented.
iii) To retain the services of the accounting firm of Craig & Ross as the Financial Reviewers for 2020.
Motion to Reappoint Damber Khadka – Joyce Allen
Song: VU #185 You Tell Me That the Lord is Risen (Vs. 1, 3 and 4)
- You tell me that the Lord is risen,
That you have seen his face.
Then tell me why you crouch in fear
And hide within this place.
You say that he spoke words of peace
And stood just as before.
But ‘til I touch his very flesh
I will not trust your joy.
- “Now peace be with you. Come, my friend,
My wounded body see.
Let the rich courage of your doubt
bring you to fresh belief.
Fear not to wonder at the Word,
to search the depths of grace.
Reach out and touch, here is my hand.
Receive the gift of faith.”
- “How blest are they, how fortunate
Who know without the sight.
But Thomas, you are favoured too,
For searching yields its light.”
So may each pilgrim in the Way,
Each road to Christ be blest,
‘til lips declare, “My Lord and God!”,
Christ’s body one at last.
Scripture: Philippians 4: 12-13
Motions: To Receive Annual Meeting Reports
Acknowledgments: Deaths, Births, Weddings – Damber Khadka
Discussion: Information or Questions regarding Reports
New Business
- Food 4 All – Report Raymond Ngarboui
- Covid 19 – Knox Report
The ministry and mission of Knox continues, even when the building is closed. God’s love and concern for those who are struggling is shared. You make it possible to carry this message to everyone. If you normally give when you are in worship, we encourage you to continue your regular donations through Canada Helps. The link is here: All donations made will be forwarded to Knox Winnipeg. Or, if you have envelopes, you could put your offering in an envelope each Sunday and bring them with you when we get back to in person worship. Thank you for your generosity in these times of trouble.
Offering Song: MV #68 Guarani Kyrie
O God have mercy [x3], have mercy on us
O Dios maawa ka (x3) maawa ka sa amin
Prabhu kripa cha [x4]
Scripture: 1 Timothy 4: 14-16
Report: Nominations
Community Prayer
Lord’s Prayer (all languages welcome and spoken)
Song: VU #166 Joy Comes with the Dawn
Joy comes with the dawn;
Joy comes with the morning sun;
Joy springs from the tomb
And scatters the night with her song,
Joy comes with the dawn.
- Weeping may come;
Weeping may come in the night,
When dark shadows cloud our sight. R
- Sorrow will turn,
Sorrow will turn into song
and God’s laughter make us strong. R
- We will rejoice,
We will rejoice, and give praise,
To the One who brings us grace. R
Thank You
Motion to Adjourn
Singing: MV#212 Sent Out in Jesus’ Name
Sent out in Jesus’ name, Our hands are ready now
To make the world a place In which the kingdom comes.
The angels cannot change A world of hurt and pain
Into a world of love, Of justice and of peace.
The task is ours to do,To set it really free.
O help us to obey, And carry out your will.