Join us Sundays starting at 10:30
Sunday worship begins in the sanctuary at 10:30 with the Intercultural service (mostly in English and about 75 minutes long.)
Worship is followed by a light lunch (about 12:00)
The Jai Mashi (Immanuel Fellowship) begins after lunch in the chapel ( in Nepali, See Jai Mashi)
A Japanese Service is held once a month, starting at 10:30 in the chapel. (See Coming Events to confirm the date.)
Several other Congregations meet at Knox, see Community Hub for details on their worship times.

What to Expect at 10:30
Worship at Knox is
- relaxed
- dynamic
- meaningful
Led by one of our ministers, we sing (in a variety of languages), hear scripture, pass the peace, pray and share community news. There is a time specifically for children, who are always welcome.
The sermons are engaging and bring God’s word into conversation with our world today.
Dress is casual. You won’t stand out if you choose not to participate in aspects of the service. Just checking things out? That is perfectly okay.
Unless there is something happening later in the service, children are invited to a children’s program part way through.
Once a month we celebrate communion with bread (often from a variety of cultures) and grape juice. Gluten free option is provided. God is the host at the table and everyone who is present is welcome to the feast.
We “pass the plate” each week for offering. There is no pressure and contributions are voluntary. If you include contact information a tax receipt will be issued at the end of the year.
Periodically we worship in McLeod Hall (in the basement) for a more casual service.
Community time continues after the formal service ends with a light lunch.

Photo credits: Knox members