In times of transition we Can help with the Journey
Life events are also times for worship. Our ministry team is available to talk and plan with you in times of grief or joyous celebration. Funeral, Memorial, Wedding, Baptism and other life passages can be marked with services that honour the individuals and their cultural traditions.
The sanctuary and chapel may also be rented for funerals and weddings led by other officiants.
Our desire is to make your wedding day a meaningful and rich experience for you and your family.
We perform wedding ceremonies for all who wish to celebrate their union in the presence of God, regardless of sexual orientation/gender or faith tradition.
Weddings can be performed in our sanctuary or our smaller chapel. The sanctuary can seat up to 1150, while the chapel can accommodate up to 80. (For more information see Rentals.) Our musicians can be engaged our you can arrange for your own or use recorded music.
Contact our office for more information on the cost of services.
Knox is a great place to find support for your relationship. We invite you to join us for worship any Sunday morning starting at 10:30.
Body and soul, I am marvelously made!
Creator, you know exactly how I was made, bit by bit,
how I was sculpted from nothing into something.
Like an open book, you watched me grow to birth;
all the stages of my life spread out before your watchfulness.
– Psalm 139
The death of a loved one can be a very difficult time and we welcome all who turn to us for support through the time of dying, grief and the service of celebration and commemoration. If you are preparing a wake, funeral or memorial service, or just need someone to listen and offer prayer and support please reach out to us. We are committed to providing culturally sensitive services.
Funerals can be arranged by contacting one of our ministers or the church office.
Funerals can be held in our sanctuary or smaller chapel and other spaces can accommodate a reception. (For more information see Rentals.) Our musicians may play for the service, or you can arrange for your own music.
Baptism is a cause for celebration and thanksgiving. Baptism is celebrated during our regular Sunday morning worship time, as the congregation has a role, pledging to support parents in nurturing their child/children in faith.
In our tradition people can be baptized at any age, even as elders, and for some in our community adult baptism is preferred. Adult baptism generally is proceeded with a time of preparation and involves making a profession of faith.
If you have a desire to be baptized we are open to discussing it with you. Contact one of our ministers to learn more.
Photo credits: Knox Members