The Central Market for Global Families, begun in 2006, is an African style mixed market. The market brings vibrancy to the Park on summer Saturdays, where stalls spread across the park selling goods and produce. See Coming Events for open dates and times and for information on registering as a vendor or email winnipegcentralglobalmarket@gmail.com. Visit the Global Market Facebook site for updates.
The Park is an important venue for newcomers to Canada, most of them living in the neighbourhood, to sell hand made clothing and food, vegetables and imported items and offer services like hennaing and hair braiding. Occupying the park with people, economic activity and entertainment is the key tool in claiming the park for the whole community and making it a safe place for everyone to gather.

Download Central Market Poster 2019 here.
In some years an Indoor Market has been organized, extending the opportunities, particularly for locally made food.
The Central Market and Knox Church provided initiating leadership which brought about the investment of $5.6 million in the redevelopment of Central Park. When the redesigned park opened in 2012 one of the most dangerous places in the city became a welcoming community space.

Photo credits: Christian Cassidy, Knox members